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Hey! I am Marissa.

Held by a Vision,
Rooted in a Practice
Empowering Mothers to Embody Their Philosophy.


the art of creating the future &
a portal into deeper layers of humanity

Change Starts with Us

Parenting is the practice of creating the future. Our children are the future.

And it's the hardest job in the world. In today's society, we parent in isolation and we 'outsource' the care of our children to others because we are busy working and trying to balance all of our priorities. And it all makes sense. We balance so much as parents. We all have great intentions to do the best we can. But sometimes the intentions don't align with our actions and we lead our kids from reaction, control, fear, and shame. We get into power struggles. We feel chronic guilt and shame and wonder if we are getting it right. I hold a vision for our parenthood that involves transforming generational patterns and embracing more security and unconditional love. I create & coach from this vision. Your parenting is your legacy and it can be as transformative as your wildest dreams. 

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Love Yourself, 
Change the World


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