Motherhood was my catalyst
When I became a mother, my world was turned upside down. My partner and I had consciously decided to have kids, but we had no idea what we were in for. Magical and mystical beyond our wildest dreams sure, but also more challenging than we ever imagined. As I struggled with the decision of whether to return to work or stay at home with my first born son, I tried all sorts of childcare options (family help, nanny, au pair, preschool co-op) leaving me feeling confused and unsettled. Desperate to keep my career alive and moving, I kept trying to seek balance between time with my kid and working. I decided to go back to school to get my MBA so I could learn while being with my kid. During my MBA, I merged my parenthood experience (struggling mom with a 3 year old strong-willed toddler) with my business education and created an at-home story based tool kit for families to help build emotional intelligence. Upon testing the product, I realized that the tool was only as effective as the facilitator's skills, beliefs, and embodiment. I became a Master Certified Conscious Parent Coach.

Meanwhile, I had an opportunity be cofounder for a new elementary school. We had a progressive and big vision for a school for Changemakers and we got to test the idea for 1 year of operation. The school closed suddenly after its first year due to low enrollment and lack of funding support. After it closed, I melted into motherhood. I cocooned inside of a 'stay at home' motherhood life. Turns out this experience was the one I needed most for my own growth - turning towards all of the ways I had been avoiding myself and my kids and running away subconsciously from my generational patterns. I began confronting my motherhood - facing my generational patterns, healing slowly, and integrating lessons from my life experiences.
So, The Motherhood Practice was born.
I am moved by a vision where love leads the way in ourselves, our families, and the world. I believe mothers have a powerful opportunity to contribute towards healing the world through healing ourselves and leading from there.The work begins with us. It begins with an honest confrontation of things that happened in our childhood and our lives that led us to where we are today. It involves humility, courage, empathy, compassion, challenge, and beauty. And the work leads to miracles, as we move towards deep, trusting, and secure lifelong relationships with ourselves and our kids. Motherhood was my catalyst for healing and evolving as a human.My children are my mirrors. Every interaction is an opportunity to deepen my understanding of myself, of them, and of humanity. Motherhood is my art. I would love to empower you to find your most creative flow in motherhood.
Creative Works by Marissa

I dream of a world...
Where there is no black and white, victim and villian, nor right or wrong. And instead, richness of human. Vivid life. Wildly complex and nuanced. Infinite possibilities for interpretation.
Life is art and we its creators.